Is your mouth causing you pain or discomfort?
Do you have a smile you are not proud of or are missing teeth which make it difficult or painful to chew? If you have chipped, damaged or painful teeth then full mouth reconstruction may be just the solution you've been looking for.
Full mouth reconstruction involves a series of multiple dental treatments that can help with restoring the full function of your smile. It is designed to correct your teeth, jaw, bite and overall oral health to help you achieve a more functional and healthy smile. A full mouth restoration will not only help you feel and function better but improves your overall dental health.
There are many reasons your mouth might need rehabilitation or correction. As your Burlington family dentist, we take care of smiles from every age throughout the Alamance area. Many patients haven't been to a dentist in a while due to busy schedules or even fear, some experienced an injury or have old dental work that requires replacement.
If you have, or experienced any:
Then you are likely a good candidate for full mouth reconstruction options.
If you're considering undergoing a smile rejuvenation, our team would be happy to talk with you regarding how we can improve the health and function of your mouth.
We are proud to offer extensive dental care options to design a dental treatment plan to suit your needs and goals.
During full mouth care there are a combination of dental treatments that can be recommended to correct your smile and may include:
Replace missing teeth
To correct the function of your bite or to fill in spaces where teeth have been removed, procedures like dental implants, dentures, or bridges can be recommended. With the advancements in dentistry today we can replace your missing teeth with technology and materials that simulate and bond to your mouth like a natural tooth's root. Dental implants replace a single tooth, several teeth or help to secure dentures for a natural, comfortable fit.
Correct worn down, chipped, or broken teeth
Typically porcelain crowns, veneers, and fillings can also be recommended to restore the look, comfort, and function of the mouth. These treatments help to fill in any chips or restore broken damaged teeth. For some patients, grinding and clenching have caused their teeth to wear down creating a smaller, or unevene smile and often sensitivity. Our patients love the increased confidence in eating in public, living without pain, and being able to have their smile back.
Repair old dental work
Any old crowns, bridges, dentures, partials or fillings that are discolored or ill-fitting or broken can also be repaired and corrected during a full mouth reconstruction. We create dental restoration to replace older dental work with a healthier, functional solution that blends seamlessly with the rest of your teeth for a natural result.
Treat TMJ Problems
Things like popping, the clicking of the jaw, soreness and numbness are often alleviated and eliminated when the function of teeth has been restored.
Adjusting the alignment of your teeth and bite may also be necessary.
Patients have reported that full mouth reconstruction has alleviated their frequest headaches or migraines as well as pain in the back and neck.
Correct a sunken smile, gummy smile or uneven smile
Dental veneers and other techniques can help to even out your teeth and make your smile more balanced. We take the time to evaluate not only the health of your mouth but your overall facial structure and jaw bone health.
Correcting your teeth can support your cheeks and lips providing a youthful new smile.
A full mouth reconstruction impacts the gum, tissue & bone health as well. With the links between oral health and overall health, a healthy mouth means a healthy body.
Every individual smile is unique, and we pride ourselves on the personalized attention we give to each and every one. If you are ready to get started or want to know more about getting your new smile, we invite you to a free consultation with Dr. Dornblazer.
During your consultation, she will learn more about your needs and goals and can recommend the next steps to get started. We love making Burlington smile and can help you achieve a healthy, confident and perfect smile. Call to schedule today!
With a quick phone call or form submission you could be on your way to a brighter, healthier smile. Click the button below to begin your journey.
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